Monday, October 2

Nothing is safe...

Nothing or No where is safe anymore, not even the Amish one room school house. What is going on that a grown man would go into an Amish school house take some girls hostage and kill three of them and then himself. I am baffeled and that is saying a lot for me. Just when I didn't think anything could surpise me I read this on yahoo. It wasn't even an Amish man who did this. I am saddened and confused. Is the world becoming more evil or do we just hear about it more because of the many ways we get information? Can someone who is older tell me, please? I am now at a loss for words...


Fizzy said...

I do not know how old you are, but I am equally baffled. It seems like wea re living in one big cruel world

itisi said...

There is no explanation. It is just insanity! And I don't think the media helps any. This man had an insane need to get attention. He did. He linked himself to our most precious treasures, our children. And now, because of what he did, he will always be remembered. Not in a good way, but no one will forget him. And I think, in his twisted mind, this is part of what he wanted.