Saturday, August 26

The guy gave birth to what?

Iggnorance can be a good thing especially when it comes to the gerbils. I thought that it was a myth until our instructer told us all the goory details of how. Then again knowleage of other medical things that be facinating! I just read about a guy in India who thought that he had a tumor in his stomach, for the last 36 years, and when doctors finally did surgey they were horrified. They found hands and fingers with nails. It turns out that when he was in his mothers tummy he had a twin brother that wrapped himself around the other. Then as the "main' guy grew the brother ended up in the stomach of the "main" guy. That is weird. Apparently this has happened 90 times in Human History!!!! See the "fan" or medical mysteries for more info.
Also they have found a way to take stem cell from a live baby without harming it!!!! This is great this a is a huge leap for humans! I am ecxited to be in the medical feild at this stage.


LK said...

That stem cell thing is very cool, that kind of research needs all the good publicity it can get so that the current opposition to it can just get over itself.

itisi said...

very weird about the guy with the twin! very weird! It is good about the stem cell research!

Fizzy said...

definately good about the stem cell research