Wednesday, August 17


Today I would like to post the question what does September mean to you?

September has always been mgical to me because it is a month filled with birthdays including mine. The leaves begin to turn their pretty fall colors and mother nature keeps the temp. reasonable. Also my favorite fruit, the apple is in harvest. YUMM!


itisi said...

To me September means an ending. An ending of summer when you can go barefoot, wear shorts every single day, no jacket required. It is the end of an unstructured time. It seems we have more freedom in the summer. But I do love September (besides the B-days!) the beautiful leaves, the smells of fall, football. Every season is a new adventure!

Shano said...

Fall is my favorite season! I just love when the weather gets crisp and chilly and the leaves change color. Typically this doesn't happen until October around these parts, but September is the start of "new" for me. Weather changes, school starts, new friends are made . . .

busybusybusy said...

Ahh, yes football. How could I forget that. In these parts even pre-season is exciting!