Thursday, August 25

School Days

It is a late entry today because I had to finish school shopping for the kids. They go back on Monday. I have 3 girls that want everything in fashion. Mainly the stuff that looks like adult club clothing shrunk. My oldest wear a size 8 shoe in Womens. Therefore, she keeps picking out 3inch heels. We have the same fight every year. I always compromise and get her an 1" high. I figure that isn't too bad. My four year old is outside yelling right now that the neighbor kid ( who is 6 ) is not her boyfriend. I keep telling her that she does't need one but she thinks different. My six year old always wants the shortest skirts she can find. Why? Is it because the Stars wear it or do u think that it is bread in us that we need to look sexy? I know I drove my mother nuts the same way. Only I think I waited till I was about 12 to do so. Mine start as soon as we start asking what they would like to wear. Boys on the other hand take about 5 mins. to pick out the stuff they want and there is no fighting! I love taking him. Only he hates going!


Brandi1977 said...

Ohh the little girl divas :) Gotta love it

itisi said...

All girls want to look like a fashion model. And wouldn't you think it was weird if your son actually liked shopping?!!

busybusybusy said...

My boy likes to shop for video games. I would find it strange if he did like to shop for clothing.