Friday, August 19

Did You Know

I thought I would end the week on a happy note. So here is some things that you may not have known.

1. When you have a sore throat do not eat stuff with a lot of salt. The strep bacteria loves salt and it will grow faster.

2. 86% of women in the United States Voted in the last Pres. Election. Only 65% of Americans Voted over All.

3. Sitting too close to the TV will not ruin your eyesite (don't tell my kids).

4. Blue eyes is a Gentic Mutation.

5. Lice likes clean hair and won't go into dirty hair.

6. 32% of American Women call their mothers atleast once a day ( Not me, sorry mom).

7. Having sex with your husband can increase your life span.

8. Your nails are actually dead. The part that is alive is underneath your skin.

That is all I have time for hope you enjoyed and have a great weekend.


Brandi1977 said...

NIce. I love useless information :) Have a great weekend!

itisi said...

You would think that all the sex that guys want and usually get would make them live as long or longer than women.
I don't call my mom once a week ( shame on me!) say nothing about once a day.
I never knew that about the salty stuff and a sore throat, either.
Cool post!