Monday, August 22

Cute things kids Say

I have a lot of cute things that happened over the weekend to write about. Then I thought I'd like to hear about the cutest thing your children have ever said. Besides the first time your child said "mama" or "dada".


Fizzy said...

Hiya Busy, I have finaly found your blog.
My daughter is about 4 years older than my son. When she was little she would finish her dinner and pass her plate to me and say "here". When my son was little and just beginning to talk, he finshed his dinner and said to me "I am hered" he could not say finshed.
Will stop by again

busybusybusy said...

That is cute. Thank u for stopping by.
I remember when my son was about a year old. He would notice everything on the ceilings in the stores. Everywhere we would go. "hole", "light". He could find the smallest holes in the ceilings.