Thursday, August 7

It is that time.....

No, not that time of month! Sick people. It is that time in every parents life to count the number of beers in the fridge. My husband swears there were two and now there is one. I pay no attention because I don't drink it, I drink the harder stuff. I hate to think that one of the kids would have taken it, espeically since the two I think could have done it are 12 and 13. I knew the time would come though. Well, ok I didn't know for sure because I never stole beer from anyone because it tasted nasty. I also know the time may come when my FIL may come up missing cigeretts however, that could be the kids hid them because they don't want him to smoke. LOL He won't think it is funny but, I'll laugh. Anyway, it is possible that one of my daughters friends took it. No matter what though we need to start keeping track of them.

Saturday, August 2

My patient

My patient passed away on Friday morning. I wasn't there but I had been there less than 12 hours before. I was meant to be there that day, I am now sure of it. It was my daughters birthday on thurs. and I had asked them to find somelse so I could be with my kids. No one else could be found to take my spot so I went in all jacked off. I didn't let my patient know or see how upset I was. I held his hand often, he likes to know that a friend is there. I talked to him about going home the next day and how nice it would be to see him at his house and not the hospital. I showed a new nurse to the case what to do and I left, to finally go play with the kids and have cupcakes. Then the next morning he was gone. I was suppose to be there the day before just to say goodbye I think. I am now glad I was and sorry that I was so upset about being there. Next time I have to work when I don't want to I will have to remember that I have a higher purpose for being there, not just to work. It could be someone's last day, who knows.