Thursday, June 26

My Poor Bum

My Bum Bum hurts from horse back rideing yesterday. My husband and I took the kids and we had a blast.I think the most fun part was the different attitudes of the different horses. My husband horse had a major attitude. He tried to bite any horse that was next to or in front of him. My horse was the joker, when the horses got a drink of water he splashed everyone! Tiffany's horse was lazy, she was always way in the back. Felicity's horse sped up when he reliezed the barn was in sight. Jordan's horse was laid back and took it all in. We had a blast, they even let us have our horses run. That is a definate do again!!!

Monday, June 23

To freddie

I hope my brother sees this.


Sunday, June 15

Home made chalk

I know you can buy sidewalk chalk at the dollar store, but this is fun and gets your frustrations out.
You need:
7 egg shells (dry)
1teaspoon flour
1table spoon water
paper towl

Crush egg shells the finest you can. Add flour and water. Stir toghether, this should make a paste. Shape, roll up in paper towel. Dry for 2 days. It really works, we tried it!

Wednesday, June 11

In my garden

In my garden is where I find peace,
Pulling the weeds, watching things grow.
In my garden I don't know,
what will come up,
what will be eaten.
It is here that I don't try to beat
those bugs that eat what I plant.
Oh, i try in small ways to stop them,
but is it here that small disappointments
float on the breeze.
Yes, I often sneeze,
pulling those weeds.
But when you have found your peace of mind,
it doesn't really matter,
come what may.
As long as those vines stay out!

Sunday, June 8

End of the week

Thank godness it is the end of the week. I just finished a 60 hour work week and am so happy to be home. Last weekend I had to work a 24 hour day...isn't being a nurse fun! I really don't know how many hours I am going to end up with this coming week, but that is ok. Since I have some extra money I am going to take the kids horse back riding on my next day off. I just hope it is a bit cooler, not that I am complaining. Well, i hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far.