Friday, February 29

Good wife or Fool?

Some would say that I am a fool, others would say that I am a good wife, I say I am a good wife.
A year ago this month I told my husband to go ahead and trade in his perfectly good car, that had been paid off, and buy his dream car, a Mustange. I just wanted him to be happy.
This month, this year, his supervisors are really giving him a hard time at a job that he only trained for a week on, they expect him to be an expert. He asked for more training and didn't get an answer. Out of the blue one day a Broadcasting School calls him to see if he was still interested in them , classes were starting soon. ( he had gotten some info about it months ago. )
I told him that if he wasn't happy with what he was doing now, then go ahead and leave your good paying job, with good health insurance and follow your dream to be in broadcasting. The school is only 4 months long and I can get health insurance through my job. Between my job and my child support I think we can make it for 4 months. It will be tight but hey, I have been in tighter. I want my husband to be happy. Going to school will also give him the oppertunity to try out for some differnt bands that play at local clubs, another thing he has always wanted to do. That is why I bought him a drum set, after all. So call me a fool, call me a dreamer, but I think everyone should enjoy what they do. It does make the world a nicer place to live in when you are happy. " You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."

Sunday, February 24

Believeit or Not

My husband has to take pictures everynight at work of freight that he inspects. Work gave him a digital camera to do this with. While takeing a picture the other night he caught something on camera that wasn't visable before he took it. Could it be a ghost? It is really hard to tell. This is the first time it has happened to him and he takes these kinds of pics. 5 days a week, in the same general area.

Wednesday, February 20

Still painting and more

I have a headache from painting, the last 3 days. I wanted to be done by this weekend, HA that will be a miracle. I did enlist my youngest daughters to take the hardware off the cubboards. They thought it was cool because they learned how to use a screwdriver. Then I let them put down a base coat of paint on a few items. They were thrilled but soon got bored and left me. ait was fine that they went and played because then I could paint the hardware that they took off and touch up the base coat. I even got 2 more cubboards ready to hang!! So I felt that I was very productive.
My oldest daughter had court this afternoon for the fight she was in last month. The judge gave them both 100 hours of community service. I thought my daughter would get less because the judge asked us parents if the girls had been punished at home. My daughter had been grounded for one month and the other girl wasn't punished at home. Still, they both got the same punishment from the judge. What was the point in her asking us then? They have 90 days to complete the community service. Tomarrow I will call the local nursing homes and see if my daughter can do her service there. I hope this is a lesson to all my childeren to keep their fights out of school.

Tuesday, February 19

Where to start...?

There is so much going on right now, I don't know where to begin. Lets start with my kitchen. I got tired of looking at my gross brown cuboards. I don't know if they are papered or what the heck is on them but they are gross. So I started painting them white with the left over paint we had. Then I got a great idea from Design on a Dime and bought a stencil and stated to stencil. There was too much white in the kitchen for my husband, so he wanted it to be sponged red. Ofcoarse then it has to be sealed so we can wipe them down. This makeover is turning into a huge deal!! I have six cuboards drying right now and can hopefully put them up tonight. Then there is my friend that had her daughter put in the mental ward today to have her evaulated because the girl threw my friend around, and this isn't the first time. To me this doesn't make a lot of sense. She will have her daughter 302ed but keeps hopes alive that the judge won't put her husband in jail for almost killing her. I feel for the women she goes through so much but, why not keep the husband far away also???It is not my place, I know but I am the one who lends the ear and shoulder when this stuff happens. Where is Dr. Phil?

Monday, February 11

More wolves

For anyone that hasn't read itisi posts, here is a little catch up. She had blogged about dreaming about wolves. I had told her that I had been signing petitions to help save the wolves. Then last night I dreamt about tons of wolves, along with a bear and its cub. This morning I realiezed that last night hadn't been the first time this month that I dreamt of wovles. In fact I have been dreaming of wild animals on a regular basis, from mt. lions to bears to wolves. Sometimes they are all in the same dream. In one dream my pscho x-babysitter showed up at my grandma's house. Yikes!
Anyway, in my dreams my dog chases away the mt. lions, but the wolves are roaming my grandma's yard. We stay away from them and when they get too close we go in the house ( dog too). The bear cub, the kids in the dream always want to play with, but I won't let them get close because Mommy bear isn't too far behind. Sure would like to know if all this means anything or if it is just something my weird mind thought up. Maybe I'm suppose to go to my grandma's house to be protected, but from what? I don't know. Maybe it isn't even really about me. Who knows.

Friday, February 8

Shiny things

I work in this place where the walls are shiny in almost every room. Even the ceiling in one of the bathrooms looks like someone outlined it in glitter. It is the shinest place I have ever worked at. There is a giant Dalmation that lives there, but he thinks he is a lap dog. When I come home at night my dog has a sniffing fest with my pants. Jealous!!!
I got really lost going to a different place to work the other morning. It was dark and the wind and snow were blowing me all over the road, it was scary. By the time I made it back home I had been on the road for 3 hours!! Needless to say I never made it there!!
Will now has the flu. I had LB call the dr. to see if he should be seen because he did just have surgery and now he is throwing up. She got a hold of a forgien MD that basically didn't know. Well, we could have told HIM that!! Dumb Ass!

PS You may want to read a book called Speak. It really hit home.

Monday, February 4

Jumping beans

My nerves are soo jumpy today. There seems like so much to do, but there isn't. My brain is racing a 110 miles a min. Am I this jumpy because I work the rest of the week? Maybe it is that Will is having his surgery today. That would make anyone jumpy. I don't know. Must take a shower and get the day going before I go bannanas. How exactly do you go bananans(?) any way?? If I don't shower I will find out. Bye Bye

Friday, February 1

All alone

I really don't like the schedule my husband is working. I feel so alone. I am finally back to work during the day and am feeling more lonely than ever. My son is happy because daddy is home when he gets home. He really missed seeing him everyday. I will only be able to see my husband a few days a week because I will be working 12 hour shifts.
I have one friend in this big city, I keep telling my self that is all I have time for. Well, that is the truth, no one who has less than 3 kids understand what it is like to walk in my shoes. Some days the chaos makes you want to scream until your voice is gone. Then their is other days where they get along so well you wonder why everyone doesn't have this many. I tell people that it is always a party! When it comes to the holidays and birthdays we have enough people that we don't need to invite anyone. I try to let them ask one special friend over though.
Am I just babbling on and on? Can you tell I am lonely? I am babysitting, which is even easier than what I do when I am at work. Ok I'll stop. TTFN