Monday, December 31

An afternoon to remember

I was brave the other afternoon, I took six kids ice skating, by myself.
Only two of the kids, my son and his friend, and myself had ever been ice skating. The three of us had each been one time! The boys did great! You would think that they had been much more than just once and they helped the girls, in a patient, kind manner. It was amazing, everything was in harmony. There was no fighting and everyone had a great time.
I didn't fall and I was able to help the littlest ones when they wanted it. Mostly though they were brave and wanted to do it on their own! By the end they hardly needed any help at all.
My youngest had been asking me for weeks to take her ice skating, I don't know where she came up with that idea, so I thought what the hay. My son and oldest daughter each brought a friend and we had the best afternoon ever.

Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 26


This year I got more meaningful gifts and it was the best!!
I'll start with the gift that my parents got me. They bought me a very soft blanket to curl up in when I am sick. The funny thing was is that I was sick when they gave it to me and have been curled up in it ever since.
My best friend gave me a candel holder with a candel inside. The holder is one leaf on top of another. She said that she is the top leaf and I am the bottom because I catch her when she falls.
I can't get that out of my head. It is the nicest thing that any of my friends have ever said to me.
My husband bought me a diamond ring, much larger than I have EVER had. He said that we didn't have much money when we got married and we are doing better, so he wanted to up grade. He also said that I have done so much for the family and for him, he just wanted to show mw how much he loved me. I cried and they have it on tape. POOPHEADS! LOL
This is a christmas that I will remember forever, not for the gifts that I got but for the people that I have.

Wednesday, December 19

Gingerbreadmen, dogs and more...

I have never made my own gingerbread men from scratch before. I thought it would be fun if we did it this year. HA! Next time I think doing something from scratch is going to be fun talk me out of it. First I couldn't find all the stuff I needed, thank god my husband is more resourceful than I. Then I lost the receipe that I wanted to use. So I had to find a new one. There are so many DIFFERENT ones out there, I just picked one and ran with it. Now the Gingerbread is so dry that it is crumpling apart while I am trying to wrap it to put it in the fridge. Days later ( didn't have time to finish that night) still really dry. Add some water, a little sticky, add flour to the rolling pin, roll out and looks good ! Now we need to see how it tastes.
My dog has always been smart,however every thing I have ever heard about dogs is that they can not reason. My husband built a door so that the dog wouln't go in the basement to poop. He made it "doggie' proof so that the door had to pulled open instead of pushed. So my dog opened it with his teeth. He bit the top of this little door and used his paw to hold it open and then went down stairs to take a LARGE poop. HE is way to smart!!

Sunday, December 16


Yesterday it began to snow big flakes. It was so pretty... then it rained and all the pretty snow went away ( all in the same day). Today the snow is back and we are suppose to get a few inches oh goodie. To watch the kids yesterday sliding down the slope in the neighbors back yard brought back fond memories. I like the snow only around CHristmas and then it can go away for another year.
Around here things are getting so festive. Next week we will bake our cookies. This year we are going to try to make ginger bread men. I'm excited about that. We will do our usal giveing cut out cookies to the elderly neighbors and leaving some for some of our other neighbors. The kids really enjoy that part. AAHHHHH Christmas as long as you don't let the shopping and all get to you, this time of year is GREAT!

Tuesday, December 11

Just Yesterday

Wasn't just yesterday that my parents were getting us kids ready to go to my choir concert? It sure does seem that way. Tonight we are getting ready to go to my oldest daughters concert and for a change we are ahead of schedule. It was always cold and icy for my Christmas concerts, tonight it is just wet and muddy. My grandma always tried her best to come unless the weather was bad. That is one thing my kids miss out on is their grandparents coming. Not my parents fault, they try to make it when they have off and the weather is good. However, their one grandfather lives here and never goes to anything they have. Their other grandma has disconnected herself from the family so she is always a no show. I feel bad because we live far enough a way from my parents that they can't always make it. Well, no use in dwelling on it. I am going to record the concert for them instead.

Sunday, December 9

No real title

I'm glad my life is less hectic than my friends life is. She could truely have her own soap opera and have plenty of material. I'm telling you she could be rich, just by being her.
I'm really happy with the way my life turned out. My life used to be just as dramatic, everyday was a struggle to survive. When you are just living to survive then that is what you base all of your desicions on. Those desecions usally aren't the best, but it is all you can do at the time. I really feel for those trying to find their way. I guess that is why I helped create SuperMom. I know first hand that when you are sick/ on bed rest and have little kids with no one to help life really gets you down. I just want to give people resources to help them, help themselves. Getting well quickly will help epople do this faster and give them confidence that life doesn't suck so bad. Still working out the smaller details but in a few months we should be up and running!
I'm just concentrating hard on my next nursing job, I really have the jitters over this. TTFN.


Friday, December 7


When I graduated Nursing School I was terrified to work in a Nursing Home or a Hospital. There are so many people that you have to pass meds. too, you have to be on top of your game at all times. I am not always at top game and I am scared of loosing my license, that I just got.
Now I am taking the leap. I am going to work for agency so I will work in many different Nursing Homes ( it pays better and you get to pick your own hours). I know I am going to have to take it slow but , god, please don't let state come in until I get my bearings. PLEASE!!! I might just pass out if they do, out of shear terror! Wish me the best.

Tuesday, December 4

No answers

I don't have the answers for today
I couldn't tell what the passing night will bring
Not sure what will come with the rise of the sun
Or the fall of the snow
I do know that I am here...
My ears open ,
my heart ready,
When you are...
I'll be here.

Monday, December 3

Another Long Day

I accompanied a friend to the court house today and held her hand. I sat there all day with her and held my breath with her when the judge ruled. Things went pretty well for her legally, but emotionally she is wreck. I feel for her, there is not an easy answer. The man in her life won't help himself, which would make every one's life involved easier. No he would rather just keep telling her that she is the crazy one. Boy, that tune sounds familiar. Don't you wish you had a magic wand to help other peoples pain go away?
Back at the Homestead, you can tell my one child is almost a teenager, because she sure is starting to act like one. She thinks that I am telling on her when I inform her dad about her breaking the rules. I think I felt the same way as a kid. Wasn't good enough that one parent knew? I guess that it is our job to communicate with each other about what our kids are up to, especially since we live in the same house.