Wednesday, August 29

not ready

I don't think I am ever going to ready to take this state nursing exam. I still don't feel that I know enough. I don't use MOST of it working so I am not in constant practice and the simple things that I should be remembering I forget and remember when it is too late. I feel like such a bad nurse. Somedays I wonder why I wanted this career, then I remember and feel bad because I have no true direction. True, I am helping people remain independant but, they don't want to help themselves. Here's a quick tip: If you want to stay in your home except the help that is coming in. Otherwise, there may be no other chpice then to be put into a home. On the other hand if you are the help respect the wishes of those you are helping as long as they remain safe and clean. If they don't want to give you something of theirs don't say " why do you need it?" Frankly it doesn't matter.
well, that is the bitch of the day. I just don't feel that I am doing anyone much good right now.

Sunday, August 26

Things I won't miss about summer

  • Things I won't miss about summer when it has gone...

  • bees
  • masquitos
  • fleas
  • sweat

I think those are the only things that I won't miss....I'm going to miss summer...

Saturday, August 18

Chomping at the bit

I am sitting here practically grinding my teeth because I am bored and angry. I am so tired of the shit and I need an outlet. I just may take my daughter bike riding with me later. That way maybe I can unwind some. I have been giving a lot of my self to everyone but me and I think it is time to give something back to my self. Although sitting here thinking about it is giving me a headach and I just got over a two day migrain. I;m going to be even more upset if I don't get out because of my head.GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Saturday, August 11

Soap opera/ bad movie work day

First off I get a phone call from the office, while on the way to one of my clients house, saying that I may not be able to get to the office because the streets are closed. It had been raining really hard the night before and the streets in the town the office was in, along with several other towns were flooded. This is not good! I have a chocolate cake on the floor of my car because we are celebrating the birthday of our co-boss.

I think about this for the entire time that I am at my clients house along with the fact that I know the rest of my clients for the day, I won't be able to get too due to road closures. I take the chance and go to the office. Luckily some of the water has receded and I can get as far as the office, but no where else.

We celebrate my co-bosses birthday at lunch and we are laughing and having a good ol' time. After, I go back to my desk thinking now what am I going to do I have finished the rest of my work here. My phone rings, it is my husband. While talking to him I hear commotion in the outer office about news of a tornado watch. Now I am worried because I know my husband is out in it. I tell him to call the kids and then the lights at work go out. Just as I get off the phone with him we are told that we need to go to the basement. I tell my boss that I am going home to my kids ( and the babysitter who is my best friends kid). My co-boss tells me no not with the tornado watch being out it is better if I stay. On our way downstairs I look and the downstairs carpet is wet. Must be the drain outside is plugged. Someone opens the door to check and a river of water comes down the stairs. That's not good! I don't want to drown at work and who knows how long we are going to have to stay downstairs, can't go back up because of tornado watch hummmm. Some women vouenteered to go out and unplug the drain because they didn't like the idea of dying at work either. We cleaned up the water best we could with no electric and moved boxes to higher ground. Then we decied that we were going to try to make it home. THere was one road open going the opposite way of the way I needed to go so I asked a guy what I should do to get to where I needed to go. HE said go to the light and make a u turn and head toward the city. So that is what I did and I got home ok. When my husband got home he told me that the building he had called me from, the wind had ripped it's door off. Also wind did damage to a building two doors down from where he was. The kids were fine, nothing happened around where they were, just rain. Oh, what a day.

Sunday, August 5

Room to bitch

This is the only place I get to vent. No one else really wants to hear my pettieness. I am just irritated. I want to buy a house more than anything and my husband is finding more ways to spend our money. We have talked about it before but it just doesn't seem to stick. I swear he can't stay away from anything that is buy now pay later. We got rid of all our creidit cards only for him to use what I call the invisable credit card. Where you buy stuff now and pay later with interest without having the plasic. Then he wants to do this and that... I want to do stuff to and I want things but we don't have the cash to pay for it so I don't get it. The more I think about it the angier I get. I had a certain amount of money that I wanted to put away every pay so that we coukd buy a house sooner rather than later. But right now it looks like later. I am almost 30 for god's sake! I can't talk about it any more cause my feathers are ruffled.