Saturday, August 26

The guy gave birth to what?

Iggnorance can be a good thing especially when it comes to the gerbils. I thought that it was a myth until our instructer told us all the goory details of how. Then again knowleage of other medical things that be facinating! I just read about a guy in India who thought that he had a tumor in his stomach, for the last 36 years, and when doctors finally did surgey they were horrified. They found hands and fingers with nails. It turns out that when he was in his mothers tummy he had a twin brother that wrapped himself around the other. Then as the "main' guy grew the brother ended up in the stomach of the "main" guy. That is weird. Apparently this has happened 90 times in Human History!!!! See the "fan" or medical mysteries for more info.
Also they have found a way to take stem cell from a live baby without harming it!!!! This is great this a is a huge leap for humans! I am ecxited to be in the medical feild at this stage.

Tuesday, August 22


He is evil. He has to be to deny his kids things like more money. I am not being greety here. They only get $130 monthly. That's right Monthly for the two of them. He also has said only one sentence to the oldest daughter since our last court date in June. She is actually better since he stopped trying to force her to do things. You would think that since he has spent all this money that he would try to talk to her to get her to like him better or something. Atleast keep up on her life. Now we are going back for child support and he thinks that I owe him $6,000 that he had to pay to the state from 1997-2004 for the birth of the kids. Ha kiss my butt!!
I have lots of new facts for you but are too hot right now to type much longer. Just a note. What ever you have heard about gerbils and sex is true. eeeekkkk!!! ( I now know a nurse that had to remove a dead one from there).

Tuesday, August 15

A few things FYI

Ok there is a bunch of stuff that I wanted to post.But I have a lot runnig through my head about what I got on my last two tests and how blood flows through the heart so I will try to post what I can remember.

First: If you take oscal please STOP! Oscal is made from oysters and they contain Mercury. The US gov. has no regulation for how much Murcury is safe!

Next: Please look at your husbands ear lobes. If there is a crease where an earing would go PLEASe have his heart checked. Please don't make me explain that one right now. If you'd like I can reply on your blog or email as to why.

The last thing that I can remember right now is that giraffs have the strongest heart muscle because it has to pump blood all the way up the neck. (Snapple Fact)

Saturday, August 12

Trying to keep up

I am trying very hard to keep up. I have a take home mid term to do this weekend, birthday shopping, my daughter's first non-family babysitting job. I went to a bunch of yard sales this morning and boy am I glad I went. I was able to get my soon to be 7 year old a brand new bike for $20 instead of the $58 we were going to spend at the store. I was the same color and had the tags still on! We will give her other bike to her youngest sister. Now I have to birthday shop for my son. That is always a tough one. He is turning 10. I always have a hard time buying for boys. You would think it would be easy growing up with all boys but no it is not.
My oldest has her first non-family babysitting job tonight. I told her to wach the little one here so if there is a problem we can help. Even though the child lives 4 houses down I didn't feel like running back and forth all night.
Well, i really do have to get to my mid term. Have a good week.

Monday, August 7

It is suppose to storm soon. That is good though because it will cool down some. I like the heat but the humity can be terrible. My watermelon is growing! I just harvested most of my carrots ( the ones that I thought weren't going to grow). My one zuccinee ( how is that spelled?) has produced a lot of that squash, the peans are done producing which is fine they were good this year. Now I just have to wait for the tomatos to rippen. I love to see all my work pay off and the neighbors and friends give me lots of complaimants! Yep, I love my garden whether it is planting or weeding or getting ready for next spring. No matter what happens in life all troubles go away in my garden!
Next week my son and middle daughter both have a birthday 10 and 7 they will be. The boy is going into 5th! and the girl into 2nd! We are going to have icecream cake, yum. Soon clinical will start for nursing school. I don't know how much I am going to like going to the nursing homes. I hate them. They make me very sad and anxious. We will see. Have a good day everyone.

Friday, August 4

Just wanted to share

I must have gotten my mother's brains, because yesterday I recieved a 100% on my A&P test! I have another test on Monday I hope I do as well! I wish I had of been this interested in high school. It may have made life a bit easier, nah.
Kindergarden round up is next week. I guess I am looking forward to it, to meet JJ's teacher and all. I know I will cry the first day of school. I never cried for any other but this is the baby. I told my husband that this meant we needed another baby and he reminded me that babiesa grow up. So no more babies,puppies or kittens. ( I have a friend who is trying to make up for the fact that she can't have another baby by buying kittens.)