Monday, February 27

When you have to go, you have to go. I am surprised we haven't see a kid on one of those kids leashes out side the port-o- potty.

I have been much busier than usual. On Saturday we traded in our run down van for a much nicer one. Ofcoarse we had to put more money down on this but it is well worth it. I also had orientation for school, which I am so excited about. I have to go get my physical today and then each of my kids need one for daycare. I just can't believe how much daycare is going to cost for 8 weeks. I don't know how normal people afford it. I have much more to write but, my doctor's appointment is in one hour and I still need to shower.

Wednesday, February 22

100th Post

This is my 100th post. Horray for me!!
I have come to relize that I have a junk collecting problem. I collect a bunch of non-related items and think of uses for them if I can find other items to go with them. Then I don't find anything that goes with it and it just sits here collecting dust. If it wasn't for my husband I would have a house full of useless things. Instead I just have useless things in a few places. I also feel the urge to buy extra dressers, clothing that no one will wear (yet), and books. Oh yeah, toys too ( indoor and out door). Maybe I think that if it looks like we have a lot then we really will have a lot. Maybe I am trying to make up for all that I didn't have. I don't know. I can see however, how this could become a problem. If I could I would have a lot of animals. There was a time when I had 5 cats. I got rid of all but 1 after a while. But it is a good thing my husband has put a limit on things like that or my house would over flow.

Sunday, February 19

No title

I am realy having trouble with this stupid computer lately. It has been too slow to do anything since my husband down loaded this new DVD program.
I am so very busy this coming week. My schdeule is full Tuesday. My husband is off work for a doctor's appointment and I am watching my best friend's kids for a bit. I also have to work and I wanted to go get my hair cut shorter. On Wend. I go and find out more about my nursing school! I am so excited about that. I had forgotten how expensive day care was. For a months worth of daycare for my 4 children it is over 2,000 American dollars.Atleast it is only for one month, then they ALL go to scholl! It is about time they all went. I have been looking forward to that day for a very long time.

Thursday, February 16


I like this picture! If there was a such thing as reicarnation, I wanted to be a cat. I don't think I would go around sleeping in toilets, however.
Would you beleive that it is 50 Degrees F here. We are suppose to be at a high of 25 both Saturday and Sunday. Speaking of Saturday I have a cute spelling of it that my first grader wrote. Sad r day. That was just how she wrote it. Well, I have to go to work tonight, so I must be off. Have a good night.


I like this picture! If there was a such thing as reicarnation, I wanted to be a cat. I don't think I would go around sleeping in toilets, however.
Would you beleive that it is 50 Degrees F here. We are suppose to be at a high of 25 both Saturday and Sunday. Speaking of Saturday I have a cute spelling of it that my first grader wrote. Sad r day. That was just how she wrote it. Well, I have to go to work tonight, so I must be off. Have a good night.

Sunday, February 12

Just the little woman

Yes, the blue was suppose to happen. Pink is my favorite color but, it was time for a change.

This is kinda what it looks like today. Or it would if we had more trees.

Ok on with the real post.

There are some days that I just feel like I am the little woman of the house that doesn't know a thing. I have told everyone about the mold and no one ever did come to look at it. We were just told that nothing could be done until the weather warmed up. Now I have heard a lot about the dangerous mold and frankly I am afraid of it. I wanted someone to come out and look at our mold just for peace of mind. Oh,no we can't do that because that would make our landlord mad. So I had my oldest daughter take everything out of her closet and put it into mine. Today my FIL went into the closet and cleaned the mold off the side you can see, then repainted it thinking that this was going to make a difference. There is still mold on the other side of the wall and it will come through. Hello, people. Let's use our heads! Then again what do I know I am just the little woman of the house.

Thursday, February 9

Nursing school

I'll give those of you who want to know all the info. on the school that I have.
I have to go to orientation on Feb. 22 at 9am ( don't know who will watch the youngest yet). School starts in July ( don't know exactly the date). I have to finish my fincial aide and propbley have to take out a loan for day care. However, the kids will only have to go to day care for a little while because school for them starts at the end of Aug. I haevn't really made up my mind what I will do after I am finished. I do have a whole year to think about it.

Tuesday, February 7

Congrats to me!

I got my test results today and I am in! I did it! I did it! I did excellent on my reading. My math I passed by 12 points! Math is what I suck at. That is Ok as long as I got in. I really needed to reveiw a few things in math more indepth. I figure though that I will carry a calculator with me when I work. That way I won't have to freak out trying to figure things out.
This city has gone insane since the Steelers won the Super Bowl. The day after the city had a two hour delay for its schools. Then today some schools canceled because there was a parade downtown for the returning team! There were 200,000 people downtown for the parade today. I was going to take my youngest but it was too cold. Hope everyone is having a good day.

Saturday, February 4

No News

No news on my test is not nessicarly good news. I will get them next week. I think everything should be send by email now. The postal service takes way too long. The big game is tomarrow. Go Steelers!

Wednesday, February 1

Boys VS Girls

Just a quick note first about the Super bowl... Pittsburgh will win because Seattle really isn't that good. Just watch the last game they played. They only won because the other team was REALLY BAD!! Pittsburgh is a good bet.

Ok So as we all know I have both boys and girls. Now I have always heard that one is easier to raise than the other ( Depends on who you talk to as to which is which). In my professional, hehehe, opion I think that it all even out in the end. Yeah, girls go through the very emtional tourcher you stage, but boys can tourcher you as well in other ways. One day I will fall over because of the daring things my son tries to do. I want to know what others think, however. Which sex is easier?