Thursday, September 29
Happy Birthday to Me
Today is my 28th birthday. I stopped celebrating that I was a year older at 24, now I celebrate my life. I feel bad for those who stop celebrating their birthdays all toghther. They should celebrate the fact that they are still a live or have lived a good life. We spend all year celebrating for others, our birthday is the one day we get to celebrate the fact that we are here. I don't care that I haven't accomplished everything that I have set out to do. There are so many other thins I have done that I never dreamed of. Four children happen to be one of those. I must pat myself on the back because I have done a pretty good job with them ( they are all still alive. hehehe). Well, I must be off, I have to clean, even on my birthday. Dirt has no respect.
Tuesday, September 27
Another Random Day
There is nothing new on the school front. My appeal was sent yessterday so now I have to play the wait game. I do however, think I got atleast a 95% if not a 100% on my Spanish Quiz. I am not sure if I spelled caturo ( 14 ) right. I did learn yesterday why the Mexicans will risk their lives to get into our country. In Mexico they only make 25 cents a day picking grapes. No wonder they are willing to come here and be paid whatever is offered. It is still more than what is made in their country. I don't really think that the Mexicans being in the states illegally is really hurting anything. I sure don't want to go pick grapes or landscape for pennies on the dollar. Infact I won't do it for $8.00 an hour. I don't know anyone who does either. Yes, if they want to be here they should learn to speak ingales ( English). Oh, well just a bunch of bull for today. One last question WHEN DO PUPPIES LEARN THEY HAVE TO POOP OUTSIDE!!
Monday, September 26
I don't usally grip too much, but I have to get this off my chest.
Of All the things that could try to hold me back from becoming a Nurse it is the collge it self trying. Now why would they do that? My account is paid. From the first time I registered they have screwed around with me. The very first semester I was deregistered for no reason. When I went to compain to a Dean I got a huge run around. Now they are trying to suspend me for poor grades. They are trying to say that I have a 1.50 QPA or lower. Last semester I had a 2.25 and I have never had a 1.5 or lower. Now I have to appeal. The comittee doesn't meet until a week before the next semester starts. How am I suppose to register for classes and get fincial aide? Why me? What did I do? All I want is to help people get well again, comfort those who are sick or injured. Is this another test? I don't know how much more I can take.
Of All the things that could try to hold me back from becoming a Nurse it is the collge it self trying. Now why would they do that? My account is paid. From the first time I registered they have screwed around with me. The very first semester I was deregistered for no reason. When I went to compain to a Dean I got a huge run around. Now they are trying to suspend me for poor grades. They are trying to say that I have a 1.50 QPA or lower. Last semester I had a 2.25 and I have never had a 1.5 or lower. Now I have to appeal. The comittee doesn't meet until a week before the next semester starts. How am I suppose to register for classes and get fincial aide? Why me? What did I do? All I want is to help people get well again, comfort those who are sick or injured. Is this another test? I don't know how much more I can take.
Friday, September 23
Random stuff
Just a bunch of random stuff today. My Fall allergies are bothering me. I went back to work today. I am trying to earn some extra money for Christmas. It is only two days a week 4 hours a day. I really didn't like what I was doing today. I sat there staring out the window the whole time! No wonder I gained so much weight when I was working.
My 4 year old told me yesterday to get my butt downstairs. We had a nice little talk about not saying that to mommy.
There were some nice stories about why people got married. I asked my husband why he agreed to marry me instead of us just liveing toghther. He said because I didn't want to loose you. I said you thought I was going somewhere if we didn't get married. He said I didn't want to take the chance. I thought that was cute.
My 4 year old told me yesterday to get my butt downstairs. We had a nice little talk about not saying that to mommy.
There were some nice stories about why people got married. I asked my husband why he agreed to marry me instead of us just liveing toghther. He said because I didn't want to loose you. I said you thought I was going somewhere if we didn't get married. He said I didn't want to take the chance. I thought that was cute.
Thursday, September 22
How did you know?
I had Philosophy again last night and we talked about the things that we can not see but know exist. One of those things was love. So my question for the day is. If you have found the "one" how did you know that this person was the "one". Also if you got married, why? Why didn't you just live together.
I know that I found "the one" the moment I set eyes on my (now ) husband. The little voice in my head said that he was it. I had never before felt this way instantly and the more we got to know each other the more I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man. Other times I had to convience my self that I was in love,I guess because I didn't know what it really was. After one month of dateing my now husband I asked him to marry me. I thought his family was going to faint. He said "yes", for he too knew that I was the "one". However, for many months after I thought about the reason we were going to get married. We didn't have to get married we could just live toghther forever. Then one day the reason came to me. It was because I wanted the whole world to know that I was his and he was mine. That our love was everlasting. I would have never gotten married if I wasn't positive that this was an everlasting love because then there would not have been any point. That is just my story, however. I want to know others. I promise no judgeing.
I know that I found "the one" the moment I set eyes on my (now ) husband. The little voice in my head said that he was it. I had never before felt this way instantly and the more we got to know each other the more I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man. Other times I had to convience my self that I was in love,I guess because I didn't know what it really was. After one month of dateing my now husband I asked him to marry me. I thought his family was going to faint. He said "yes", for he too knew that I was the "one". However, for many months after I thought about the reason we were going to get married. We didn't have to get married we could just live toghther forever. Then one day the reason came to me. It was because I wanted the whole world to know that I was his and he was mine. That our love was everlasting. I would have never gotten married if I wasn't positive that this was an everlasting love because then there would not have been any point. That is just my story, however. I want to know others. I promise no judgeing.
Wednesday, September 21
Feeling Much Better
I feel so much better today. All the kids will be happy because things will be back to "normal". I figure that normal must mean average. That is the only explaination I can come up with for it.
Anyhow, before I was sick I weighed my self and I have lost 5 pounds! That excites me! If I can lose 5 than I can lose 5 more. I have switched to no fat milk, which they have really improved the taste over the years, if I want chocolate than I eat no fat pudding. I no longer eat chips , but I still drink an awful lot of pop or soda whatever u want to call it. I have really only added 10 mins. of exercise to my days. So I like this 5 pounds at a time. Not too much work but still looseing wieght. SInce I was sick sick I probley lost 2 more pounds. The mirror says be excited about that. The clothing says don't go buy new clothing yet. I hope this finds everyone cheery.
Anyhow, before I was sick I weighed my self and I have lost 5 pounds! That excites me! If I can lose 5 than I can lose 5 more. I have switched to no fat milk, which they have really improved the taste over the years, if I want chocolate than I eat no fat pudding. I no longer eat chips , but I still drink an awful lot of pop or soda whatever u want to call it. I have really only added 10 mins. of exercise to my days. So I like this 5 pounds at a time. Not too much work but still looseing wieght. SInce I was sick sick I probley lost 2 more pounds. The mirror says be excited about that. The clothing says don't go buy new clothing yet. I hope this finds everyone cheery.
Monday, September 19
Not feeling Well
This is a very short post. I'm not feeling well so I am not going to write a good post til' I feel better. May this find everyone else well.
Friday, September 16
What was taught
This is stuff I already knew, as most of us do, but we just don't practice.
Our body is only owned by us and it is our natural right to do what we want with it. Now as we each look at ourselves we are saying ofcoarse. What we forget is that it is other people's right to do what they want to their own body also. Our teacher said that what we have to have to learn is tolerence for what others do and think. How many times have I looked at someone full of tatoos and judged them. Even though I try to live by , if it doesn't directly effect me or my family I don't let it bother me. There are somethings though that I pre-judge and unfortunatly that makes me the person I try so hard not to be. Does this make any sense to anyone? I know I didn't put a lot of detail in, I did something to my arm and it hurts to type.
Our body is only owned by us and it is our natural right to do what we want with it. Now as we each look at ourselves we are saying ofcoarse. What we forget is that it is other people's right to do what they want to their own body also. Our teacher said that what we have to have to learn is tolerence for what others do and think. How many times have I looked at someone full of tatoos and judged them. Even though I try to live by , if it doesn't directly effect me or my family I don't let it bother me. There are somethings though that I pre-judge and unfortunatly that makes me the person I try so hard not to be. Does this make any sense to anyone? I know I didn't put a lot of detail in, I did something to my arm and it hurts to type.
Thursday, September 15
2nd class of philosophy
Well, the teacher showed up. For the first hour I was going "Oh, my god he is crazy". He was running( literally) around the class room, everytime he said "baby" (meaning infant) he laid on the floor and kicked his legs. He talks so quickly and is very hard to understand, sometimes it takes me a few sentences to relize what he said. Other than that it was a very good, thought provoking class. We talked about why the Swiss are doing away with marriage ( that is another post, for another day) and why the Americans hate other countries and why they hate us. It was really good. I'd like to go into more detail but I just can't today. I have so much to do.
Wednesday, September 14
I wish I had a FIRE RED font because that is how I feel about the follwing subjects.
I seen yesterday on the news where an Ohio couple put their adoptive kids and foster kids in cages at night with no pillows or blankets. The ages ranged from 1-14! The couple claims that the pshcologist told them to do that becuase of the various mental disablities the children had. One of those disablities was Autism. Now I used to work with a sweet little boy who was serverly Austic. His parents would put him in his room at night close the door and let him play with his pillows until he fell a sleep. What the HELL is wrong with these people who put their kids in CAGES! These cages, according to the news were only 3 feet high! That is about the size of my puppy's cage!
Then there is the people in New Orleans that left the Nursing Home patinets to drown. I used to work in a Nursing Home and if I left anyone to drown I could not have lived with my self. How scared those people must have been when water came rushing in. It makes me sick.
I seen yesterday on the news where an Ohio couple put their adoptive kids and foster kids in cages at night with no pillows or blankets. The ages ranged from 1-14! The couple claims that the pshcologist told them to do that becuase of the various mental disablities the children had. One of those disablities was Autism. Now I used to work with a sweet little boy who was serverly Austic. His parents would put him in his room at night close the door and let him play with his pillows until he fell a sleep. What the HELL is wrong with these people who put their kids in CAGES! These cages, according to the news were only 3 feet high! That is about the size of my puppy's cage!
Then there is the people in New Orleans that left the Nursing Home patinets to drown. I used to work in a Nursing Home and if I left anyone to drown I could not have lived with my self. How scared those people must have been when water came rushing in. It makes me sick.
Monday, September 12
Nothing really matters
I have been thinking since last night about what I was going to post. I couldn't sleep and so at 3am I came up with something then finally fell a sleep. Got up this morning and read some blogs and began to think. All the troubles we have, all the worries, all the minor aches and pains... It really doesn't amount to " a hill of beans". What does matter is that last night (or this morning rather) I fell a sleep next to my husband. My children were safe in their own beds. I talked for an hour with my grandma earlier and she is doing well. From what I hear, my great grandma is doing well also. I have food in my house, clothing on my body and so does my children. We have safe drinking water, a safe place for the kids to play, and I know where all my loved ones are before I go to sleep. Everything eles is just minor. One day we will be thankful that we had the $34 to get rid of the shingles, to have a son that greys our hair, to have a shoulder to have pain in and to have a bed to fall a sleep in at 3 am.
Friday, September 9
It is better to give...
My husband says that I give too much to people and don't get back enough. The thing is that I don't want anything back but a "thank you". I am always rushing to the aid of someone, whether it be human or animal. It gives a great feeling of accomplishment. For example, last week I was out and I happened to remember that my friend is always running out of pull ups this time each week. She cannot get to the store until her husband comes home, which can be late. So I picked her up some. This week she was out of toothpaste and we had extra so I took her up some of that too. Now you have to understand she has hardly any money so I do what I can to help. I give people I know rides when they need them or offer to mow our elderly neighbors lawn. I don't have much extra time but I do what I can for who I can. Is that so bad to just want a "thank you".
Thursday, September 8
I could not find a good color for the way I feel today. I went to class last night and the teacher never showed. Everyone that is taking the class showed, but not the teacher. I hear that he is famous for this. I sure wish I had a job where I could show anytime I wanted. People pay good money for this class and transportaion to the class. Some of them pay a sitter too. Now come on the main person sure could show some respect for the rest of us and show.
Wednesday, September 7
Another nice pre-fall day here. Tonight is my first philosophy class. I am excited! I really don't know what to expect. How do you study philosophy? Do you study the great thinkers or do u learn how to become a thinker yourself? My psch. teacher told us that the meaning of life is time. Now what does that mean?
I forgot to mention that we learned some interesting things at the block party. This babysitter that we had fired, well one day when the phone guy came to fix the phone, she was on the porch rail dancing for him! The things that go on when one's not home.
I forgot to mention that we learned some interesting things at the block party. This babysitter that we had fired, well one day when the phone guy came to fix the phone, she was on the porch rail dancing for him! The things that go on when one's not home.
Tuesday, September 6
Eventful Weekend
Sunday night there was a block party held in our "mean neighbors" back yard and surrounding areas. The reason it was held there was because they had gone camping for the weekend. Many of our neighbors said that if the "mean neighbors" had of been home then they would not have come. My husband and I fully agreed. I guess the reason the party is held on Labor Day weekend is because everyone knows they won't be home. We had a very nice time and so did our kids. My 4 year old and her two little friends got out a plastic pool and one of her friends hooked up the hose. Next thing everyone knows the 3 of them are sitting in the pool with their clothing on and one of them put bubbles in. It was so cute I ran home and grabbed my camera. If I can figure out how to put in on here I will. We roasted marshmellows later on. That was great fun for the kids who had never done that before.
Late Monday afternoon the "mean Neighbors" came home. We had friends over and their daughter was playing outside with my kids. Next thing we hear is the mother yelling at the top of her lungs! She is yelling at the my kids and my friends daughter. My girls being crying and other neighbors rushed to my house because their kids were here too. My husband and my friends husband come out. They get the story of what happened from one of the other kids that were here. The kids next door threw rocks at the girls, so the girls threw mulch at them. Well, one of the rocks hit my friends daughter right above the eye. You could still see the red mark. My friends husband goes over next door and starts pounding on the door. "Hey, come out here! What do you think your doing yelling at these kids like that!" Would you beleive no one came to the door. He says don't worry "neighbors from hell" I have my whole life to wait for you.
Now this is one dude you don't piss off. I don't think the "neighbors from hell" will be bothering my kids any more. Not for awhile any how.
Late Monday afternoon the "mean Neighbors" came home. We had friends over and their daughter was playing outside with my kids. Next thing we hear is the mother yelling at the top of her lungs! She is yelling at the my kids and my friends daughter. My girls being crying and other neighbors rushed to my house because their kids were here too. My husband and my friends husband come out. They get the story of what happened from one of the other kids that were here. The kids next door threw rocks at the girls, so the girls threw mulch at them. Well, one of the rocks hit my friends daughter right above the eye. You could still see the red mark. My friends husband goes over next door and starts pounding on the door. "Hey, come out here! What do you think your doing yelling at these kids like that!" Would you beleive no one came to the door. He says don't worry "neighbors from hell" I have my whole life to wait for you.
Now this is one dude you don't piss off. I don't think the "neighbors from hell" will be bothering my kids any more. Not for awhile any how.
Friday, September 2
Sept. 2nd
Another nice day here. The other day I took my puppy "Eddie" for his first real walk. We walked past this dog that was much bigger than he is. The dog started to bark at him and Eddie ran and hide under someone's car. I had to get down on my hands and knees in the road and pull him out. I thought that being sunny out eddie would go poop outside. Oh, no when he has to go he runs down to the basement to do his business. Better down there than up here I guess.
When I wrote yesterday gas was at $2.99. When I went out last night it was between $3.09 and $3.19 a gallon. Another group of people I feel sorry for are the pizza delivery drivers. They make minimum wage plus .60 a delivery. Then what ever they make in tips. Beleive me they do not make a lot. Well, I hope this entry finds everyone else well.
When I wrote yesterday gas was at $2.99. When I went out last night it was between $3.09 and $3.19 a gallon. Another group of people I feel sorry for are the pizza delivery drivers. They make minimum wage plus .60 a delivery. Then what ever they make in tips. Beleive me they do not make a lot. Well, I hope this entry finds everyone else well.
Thursday, September 1
It has finally stopped raining! My zuccinnie plant will stop turning the green vegatables yellow and the dog will stay out long enough to go poop! Can't think of a better reason then that to love the sunshine. Even though we didn't get any flooding we sure are feeling the effects. Gas is up to $2.99 ( u.s money). Where as yesterday it was $2.59. I knew I should have gotten gas yesterday. Some places have run out of gas. In Ohio the tractor trailers can not fill up on disel, there just isn't enough. I really feel for the farmers. Here it is harvest time and they can't get enough gas to bring in the crops. If I had enough land I think I'd buy a horse, it would be cheaper.
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